fftfind fftmenu fftbase fftfilemenu fxtsearchxref fftxrefmenu fftxrefmenuagain fftdefmenu assign_to_key assign_to_key fftmenu assign_to_key fftxrefmenu assign_to_key fftxrefmenuagain assign_to_key fftdefmenu assign_to_key fftfilemenu assign_to_key fftfind assign_to_key fftbase assign_to_key fxtsearchxref top_of_buffer FXT HELP INFORMATION Complete list of all available macro functions with assigned key-combination and macro-name. For more informations see the FFT documentation. FFT macro functions fft fftmenu fftxrefmenu fftxrefmenuagain fftdefmenu fftfilemenu fftfind fftbase Additional macro function fxtsearchxref This help screen is invoked by macro 'fxthelp'. press RETURN to continue _init fxthelp k